perm filename REPLY.LOC[AM,DBL] blob sn#516693 filedate 1980-06-20 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

                    6th Annual AIM Workshop - Reply Form

     Please return this form by June 1 to:    Darlene Vian
					      Stanford University School
					       of Medicine, TC-117
					      Stanford, Calif. 94305
					      Phone: 497-6970

     Would you like to present a 30 minute project report on Friday
     If yes, title of talk:←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←

                                                  (Please check one)
						    Yes       No
     Tuesday evening, August 12:                    
       7:30 Hospitality Session                               XXX
        (Margaret Jacks Hall)

     Wednesday, August 13:
      12:00- 1:00  Lunch (Fairchild Auditorium)     XXX       

       6:00        Dinner (Stern Hall)                        XXX

     Thursday, August 14:
      12:00- 1:00  Lunch (Fairchild Auditorium)     XXX           

       7:00        Banquet (Faculty Club)           XXX           
		   (For additional ticket for
                   spouse or guest please attach
 		   $10 payable to AIM Workshop)     ←←←       ←←←

      Friday, August 15:
       12:00- 1:00 Lunch (Fairchild Auditorium)     ←←←       ←←←

        6:00       Dinner (Stern Hall)		    ←←←       ←←←

(Through a grant from NIH, the Workshop will provide lunches for all local
attendees.  There is no charge for Workshop participants at the Thursday
evening banquet.  In addition, dinner at Stern Hall is available for local
participants in order to provide still another chance to interact with
out-of-town colleagues; we will try to accommodate as many as possible for
these dinners but need an idea of how many to plan for).

           Print name: DOUGLAS B. LENAT
           Address: COMPUTER SCI DEPT
           Daytime phone: (   )4970304
           ARPA Net address, if any CSD.LENAT@SCORE